The following is an extract from a a bi-weekly newsletter that I wrote for a Values Based Financial Advisor in January 2021. This client is passionate about environmental affairs, ethical investing, liberal politics and scientific breakthroughs. Every fortnight we share links on varied topics in a personal but professional newsletter:
As a nautical man who first went to sea in fishing trawlers, I’ve maintained a strong personal interest in fish farming, and was concerned to read how warming sea levels are causing fish to reproduce more quickly, resulting in smaller fishes and damaging yields. It reminded me of this article about a maladaptation in nightingales in response to warming climates. Rising temperatures we're experiencing in Europe are causing nightingales to mature more quickly so that they're reaching adulthood with shorter wingspans. It’s the European nightingale's lengthy wings, and associated adaptations, that enable them to make their long annual migration to Africa. Those maturing with shorter wings haven’t been able to complete the return flight home to their breeding grounds.